
To advance in the MetaPopit World, the players need to complete a level. Every level includes more than one room – the player has to escape all of them in order to clear the level.

There are endless levels in the game. Levels consist of rooms and can be:

  • Small - includes 3 rooms.

  • Medium - includes 5 rooms.

  • Big - includes 7 rooms.

When the players finish a room, they will find themselves in a specific place with 3 different doors, where they get rewarded and then can choose the type of the next room. Here, they also get a reward for the passed cleared room:

  • Small treasure, after finishing a room.

  • Big treasure, after finishing the level’s last room (before the MetaPopit has reached level 40).

  • Deluxe treasure, after finishing level’s last room (after the MetaPopit has reached level 40).

Big treasure(Deluxe treasure) reward is more valuable than Small treasure reward. So, the main goal for the player is completing the full level, even if they might need to use Checkpoint.

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